
An Experiment With Clickbank And Linkshare Gone Horribly Right

An Experiment With Clickbank And Linkshare Gone Horribly Right

I write articles to earn a living, but you will hardly ever see my name on any of my writing. Nearly 100% of my stuff published under someone else's name, on article directories like this one. I'm fine with that. I get my cash, I start with the next article, life goes on.

When I got into this job, I had no idea what all the articles were for. I had just quit my job at a call center and literally knew nothing about affiliate marketing or online marketing or anything like that. I still don't really. But, as I wrote humbly, far from the spotlight, I noticed that a lot of the articles I was assigned had to do with either linkshare or clickbank, two affiliate marketing aggregates that bring together either products (in the case of clickbank) or online retailers (in the case of linkshare).

The thing about these websites is that there are a lot of people on the internet claiming to have made thousands of dollars per week just by using these various affiliate programs. I decided to do a little experiment of my own to see if any of this hype could be trusted (turns out most of it can't). But, since both websites are free to use and join, I didn't think I had anything to lose by trying.
Clickbank And Linkshare


This is the first affiliate site I tried. You just sign up, and then go to the marketplace area and look at all the products that are available to promote. Let's say we try the Cooking, Food, & Wine section. Here you have a list of every product that falls under this category. The top one is an as seen on TV "Restaurant Secrets" cookbook.

This is accompanied by a short sales pitch from the seller explaining why the promoter, you, should be SO interested in marketing this revolutionary (sarcasm) new cookbook, and oh all the money you'll be making! Ignore that. What really matters is the small stats below that, including average money per sale, initial money per sale, some other stuff, and the grav, or gravity. The gravity of any particular product is a calculation that's based on the number of affiliates who earned a commission when promoting that product over the past 12 weeks. Higher is always better.

So how well did it work for me? I decided to promote 4 different products, each had a gravity of 75 and up, the highest reaching 132. I wrote two articles for each one, including the important affiliate link, and posted them up on various article directories, approximately about 6 directories. My earnings:

  • First week: $0
  • Second week: $0
  • Third week: $36 (!)
  • Fourth week: $9

Was it a lot of money? Heck no! That's $45 in a month, which is barely enough for a quasi-nice dinner with my girlfriend, just about enough for Red Lobster.

I did learn some things though. First of all, sure it's possible to make some money on Clickbank. How much? I couldn't say, but consider that I put about an hour of work total into writing every article, maybe a half an hour submitting them, and you're looking at roughly $30 an hour. More than I could possibly make flipping  one hour a month. Now let's have look at Linkshare.


This website is designed for the promotion of retail websites, i.e. . Someone goes to the site through your link, makes a purchase, and you get a percentage. It's usually somewhere between 5 and 15% from what I saw, depending on what retailer you use.

To be approved for any retailer's affiliate program, they have to do a review of your general profile (which you set up earlier when making your linkshare account) and then they let you know, usually between two hours and a day later, if you are allowed promote their stuff. I don't see why they're so picky, since really you're giving them free promotion, but let's let them have their little fun. For what it's worth, I wasn't rejected for any of the 6 programs I applied for.

You can choose to use text or banner links, which you can paste all over your blog, website, or article databases all you want.

I once again wrote two articles for each of the retailers I wanted to promote, which turned out to be only 3 out of the original 6. Laziness is your enemy. I went through the same routine as with Clickbank, which all said and done took roughly 2 hours this time. Aaaaaand the moment you've all been waiting for:

  • Week 1: $49
  • Week 2: $95
  • Week 3: $92
  • Week 4: $136

Which brings me up to a whopping grand total of $372 for the month. I plan to go back to this sometime later in the future and try it out some more to see if I can reconduct the experiment a little more scientifically. The problem is, as hard as it may be to believe, freelance writing is actually pretty difficult, time consuming work. Between that and an off again on again girlfriend I rarely have any time for little experiments such as this. It still doesn't beat my freelance salary, which now that I've been doing it for awhile is about $2,000 a month, but I think these affiliate sites like clickbank and especially linkshare have definite potential if you can invest some appreciable time into them. And for all you aspiring scriveners out there, if you're interested in doing freelance writing, I got my start at .

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